Saturday 6 March 2010

Fitting the Frame to the Subject

For this excercise i took 4 shots of an old cutting machine. In one shot i just framed the subject in whichever way was easiest to record the scene. In the next, i framed as tightly as possible, the third i took a close up of the most interesting part of the machine, and in the final shot i tried to put the subject into context by framing as much of the background and surroundings in as possible.

The most successful shot by far was the contextual shot but the composition of the tightly framed shot was also pleasing to the eye. After i had done this, i then cropped each image down to improve the composition of the framing. I found that the crops tended to place the points of interest on the intersections between lines drawn to separate the frame into thirds. I also found that when the subject created lines of thirds this worked well, and finally, lines running from bottom left to top right improved composition. All of the above can be seen in the images, below:

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