The results can be seen below.

- 1 sec - water slightly visible - appears as a blurred mass - no highlights/shadows
- 1/4 sec - water still very blurry - Some highlights/shadows
- 1/10 sec - As above - slightly more highlights/shadows
- 1/20 sec - Even more detail + sharpness - becoming apparent that subject is water - detail in fastest part of the image beginning to show
- 1/50 sec - Darker shadows, sharper and more detail in fast area of image
- 1/100 sec - Image frozen in some parts - lots of detail in slower areas
- 1/160 sec - Image almost all frozen
- 1/250 sec - All frozen, even fast water
- 1/400 sec - As above - Maximum detail
For me personally, if i was shooting this type of subject, i would use a speed of roughly 1/100 sec. At this point there is enough detail in the water while still allowing some motion blur in order to capture the speed of the action and keep the photo interest there.
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