With this image the first things i noticed were odd angles of the pieces of wood and metal. The image is packed with diagonals and i think it keeps the eye scanning. I like the fact that my eye doesn't rest on a single subject. Gives a chaotic effect to the photo.

The simplicity of the diagonal flooring caught my eye here but it was to simple to capture and create something interesting from. I used an idea that i had seen in a photography magazine, to shoot down from above and include my feet in the image. It adds context and an interest that would otherwise be lacking.

I came up with this shot while experimenting with a basket. I placed my camera inside the basket facing upwards, focused roughly on the top rim and took the picture using a 2 second delay. I tried the image a few times and found that by making it a self portrait it had enough of a point of interest. the diagonals in the basket draw the eye straight into the 'frame in frame'.

Again while looking for an iteresting subject i came across this laundry basket. I was experimenting with angles and found that if you looked inside it, it almost looked like the sun with 'rays' leading out diagonally. I took the basket and held it to the sky and got this shot. It's quite a dynamic image because of the contrast of the curves and diagonals.
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